Sunday, August 17, 2008

Who does not love Phelps? Oh teacher, I know I know pick me pick me.

I am sick of tired of hearing about Micheal Phelps, better yet I am tired of hearing about the Olympics altogether. Personally, I would not shed a tear if the Olympics was wiped off the face of the planet all together due to lack of funds or some natural phenomenon was to occur. For the sheer reason is that the Olympics take away from whatever should be going on in the United States. I do not care that some runner from a country(or some back water alley in American) that I really do not care that much about ran in four point whatever whatever. Why should I care? What could I possible do with that information. Say "Congratulations runner, next time the police are chasing you laugh and say you can run a four point whatever whatever. " No, because in some cases that would make me a racist. What should I care about the American "Redeem Team" Basketball Squad? The Dream Team is dead, for Pete's sake the so called best of the best from this era do not really want to play for the Olympics at risk of hurting themselves. The current team "star players" are only really playing for more endorsements or to keep their current endorsements not really for the love for the game. I do not care that some random man or woman is breaking random records. Before long that person will fade back into the memory of everyone else and have nothing else to show for it other than few faded gold, silver or bronze medal. One of my friends brought to my attention that those people go back and try to do good things for their nation. Yes, the key word in that statement is try. A lot of them try to go back and do something nice but fall short because after a while nobody reall cares that you won a gold, nobody really care that you set a record(only for it to be broken years later and you name wiped from the record books.) Some go back and open some two-bit swim school, or coach at some no name high school, that is a farcry from where you used to be huh buddy? I just cannot wait for the Olympics to end, American has so much more to worry about than who can run the faster or swim the furtherst.

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