Monday, July 21, 2008

Oh what happened to you big blue?

I was just recently told that the Sonic the Hedgehog ,my personal childhood hero, is now returning in three more games that are due out over the next few months. *Sigh* What ever happened to Big Blue where his games were actually good and were not some second rate piece of crap as what it has been known for lately. Ever since the new era of 3D gaming Sega(as well as Sonic the Hedgehog) have been nothing short of lackluster. In 2006 when I found out that Sonic was making his mark on the Xbox 360, I remember being overly excited and welcome my hedgehog friend with open arms. Sonic the Hedgehog, given a HDTV make-over with all the hand-eye coordination that I could ever possibly wish for. As I followed its development and watched videos pertaining to it, I was like the black Kool Aide man "Oh Yeah!" Then when I actually played the demo for it I was like "Oh No!" Sega has manage to get itself into another blunder. This game was plagued with long loading times, bad camera angles, and terrible controls. Oh, I just shudder at the thought of it. The game was so bad, I am pretty sure it could make baby Jesus cry. I was just so crushed, then on top of that Sega kept making crap that did not pertain to the true soul of Sonic the Hedgehog, he is now riding vehicles instead of running, driving cars(as shown in Shadow the Hedgehog) and now using guns instead of his special ball spinning-thing. Sonic and the Black Knight, coming out in Spring 2008 promises the same old Sonic game we have came to know and love, however, it promises a new feature of Sword-fighting. Really sword-fighting in a Sonic game, come on Sonic-Team stop reaching for crap to use the Wii-remote for. Why not allow, special moves using the remote, or use the to help guide Sonic around like it was used for Mario Galaxy. Next on the list of games, has serious potential(due to the fact that it is Sonic back to doing some good of fashion running) called Sonic Unleashed. From the videos it appears that Sonic-team has done something right IN THIS DECADE. However they introduce the ability for Sonic to turn into a werewolf (a la Zelda and the Twilight Princess.) Please oh please Sega do not screw this game over. Lastly, Sega as introduced Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, no this is not a type of cool name for a platform game. This Sonic game is a RPG, I love RPGs(Golden Sun, Final Fantasy, and Legend of Dragoon.) Nevertheless, Sonic does not I repeat does not need to be made into a RPG. The only way they might win over consumers if they make the game into what Nintendo did for the Mario Brothers and their four RPG games. As I close because I am kind of nodding of, please go back to what you were originally made for Sonic. Please Oh Pretty Please with a Cherry on Top?

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