Thursday, July 24, 2008

From Five to Thirty-five(and counting). . .

(((This one has been sitting on my draft section for awhile now, it is just now making it into the light)))

"In 2003, there were seven officers to patrol Bluffton's town limits. In five years, that number's multiplied by five." -Bluffton Today

This was an excerpt from my town's newspaper, the Bluffton Today, the article talked about how our police department is continuing to grow as this one-horse of a town continues to grow and move forward. Yes, growth is very important because the bigger a town gets the more people want to feel protected by a "protective establishment." However, the number of personnel that a department has does not excuse the quality of personnel at a said "protective establishment". As from what I have seen on numerous occasions, the Bluffton Police Department is probably if not the most laziest, dead-brained, idiotic police department I have ever had the un-pleasure of being in their precinct. Some people can say, "how am I able to judge these public figures?" Well the answer is fairly simple my friend, my father is a marine and my mother has a law degree(where she worked along-side with just about every police department no matter where the military has sent us.) So I know what is like to be part of a well-established police department, and I know what it is like to watch a police department go from nothing to something over the span of two, three, four, five years. Also I do know what it is like to respect a respectable "protective establishment" however, when said respectable "protective establishments" are not doing their jobs this is where it begins to irk to me no extent. I have came here around the time of 2003 and so far I have no seen anything that makes our "protective establishment" roughly noticeable or even worthy. Since my time here I am seen officers asleep on the job, during a traffic jam out of 278 I have caught at least three officers asleep in their patrol cars as drivers speed past them as if they were not there. I also have caught two officers (one on buckwalter and one actually yesterday near the Bluffton baseball stadium on Bluffton parkway.) Ordering pizza while they are supposedly on patrol, to make matters worse they are ordering pizza while on my tax dollars and having that said pizza delivered to their cop car. I have also seen one officer, drive pass an elderly lady whose car had just broke down. This officer did not provide assistance, she was eventually help by my buddy and I as we doubled back to her on 278. I have seen several officers turn on their lights so they can park in the emergency no parking zones just to do some daily activities. Their is this one person( I know everyone has to at least seen this officer once or twice.) Driving around in a Bluffton Police Department vehicle, wearing civilian clothes doing civilians things such as driving their children to and from school, going to football games (to watch not protect) or to drive to the grocery store. I have witness officers avoiding helping people such as that sub-division across from Chic-fil-a, a driver had drove out during a red light, screwed and missed two cars and ended up marooning her car on the grassy edge that leads into that particular sub-division. My mother and I had witness this, so we went over to provide assistance to make sure the driver was not having a seizure while they were driving (according to my mother this happens more often then I think.) After getting out of the car, the driver started to apologize to us "I am so sorry so so sorry." it became apparent to us she was drunk. Luckily for us behind the sign, their was a Bluffton Officer, I asked to officer to help this lady. All he said was I am off the clock, and called for some help in that particular area. Terrible, terrible ethics. Sure of course having numbers is nice but when you are not doing your job what is the point of having such large numbers.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

BET the new blackface

I was having a debate with a friend of mines the other day and what came up in our conversation is the fact of racial equality or better yet is there a racial equilibrium in America? Like most people of the non-African persuasion, the first thing he reached for is that we(African-Americans) have strong positive images going for us such as(and he stressed) the NAACP and even our own nationwide television network BET. Ha, NAACP and BET have outlived their purpose. They are both like milk, after its expiration date it will start to deteriorate and leave an odor most foul. When I was younger, I used to watch BET because it showed us young black children that there were positive black role models out there other than the drug pushers down the street or those jackasses that you see playing sports and acting real "niggerish" if you would say like to use that word. However, BET nowadays are showing exactly what it tried to prevent all those years ago. After the abrupt departure of AJ and Free on 106 and park, BET has just been producing black-face crap over and over again. Baggy pants, African-American men with "grills" in their mouth, African-American females with the loud ghetto accent overly plagued this once great network of BET. As an African-American male who is nineteen years old, going a great university, preferring to wear khakis and polo shirts over baggy blue jeans and a shirt two sizes bigger than a medium, and prefers to speak proper English. I and others like me are actually the new age of black people, we are the ones who represent the positive black community but we are often overlooked because we refuse to accept the roles that black-faced networks such as BET are enforcing on the public. As for the NAACP, what have they done for African-Americans over the last few years? The answer is nothing of real substance. What they do is nit-pit at whatever the easiest fight then could win without and real effort(i.e. Don Imus.) Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, are not Martin Luther King and will never be, they do not appeal to the new age of African-Americans. Nor are they lending any hand in trying to bridge the gap between the transcending older African-Americans generation and the newer generation of African-American individuals.

Home is where the heart is?

Hmmm. . . if they say home is where the heart is, then what does that means if your house is a terrible piece of crap and is in a serious need of remodeling? On the television show called Ugliest House on the Block, a bunch of remodeling experts(consisting of designer, painter, host, carpenter) pick on certain individual's home on a certain street somewhere nationwide and remodel that particular house. Another question that keep creeping in my head "Is how do you allow your house to become in such disarray?" Some people stated that they were "too busy" or "when the weekend comes around they just want to relax", that is a darn out right shame. I also blame some of the neighbors for allowing that one particular house on the street, to go to hell in a hand basket. Hey, you know that this house will ultimately bring down the value of your own home and yet you continue to allow this eye-sore to get deteriorate as the months go onward. So you are just as much at fault as those idiots who decided to live in that eye-sore of a home. To make matters worse is that in some of the homes(if you really want to call them that), the parents allow their children to live in such a place. If you see mold and mildew to spore all over your home, that is not only a health hazard for you as a parent but it is also bad for your little children. *Sigh* Stop being lazy people and take pride in your homes.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

There is nothing wrong, when you can get others to do the dirty work.

Today I was watching the MTV show From G's to Gents (the second episode.) The funny thing is as the show was continuing onward my brother and a few friends of mines had gotten extreme upset about how a G named Cee, manipulated everyone in the house to do his bidden and put an enemy of his on the "Hot seat." I See absolutely nothing wrong about how he went about doing his business, I applaud Cee for doing what he has to do to win. As Malcolm X said "By any means necassary. . ." and hey Cee realized that the rest of the his housemates were a bunch of idiots so he took advantage of their weaknesses and made it into his strength. As in any game, there are a set of rules but the real challenge is how can you get around the rules and use it to your advantage. As I continued to watch the show, one of the Gs happen to mention that this game is like a game of chess and that one wrong move could land you in checkmate. Good logic my friend, despite the fact that you are actually nothing more than a pawn in Cee's game of chess with Kesan. Cee did not only decided to take out Kesan but his plan was so elaborate and so well thought out that there could be no possible way to pin-point it to him (then again his action were caught on camera, maybe we will see it on the reunion show.) What Cee decided to do was set his self up for a fall, and blamed his fallen status(or damaged photo posted on the wall of each member of the house) on Kesan. To add icing to the cake Cee decided to blame Kesan and act out that he was angry over the issue that has just occured. Kesan did not help his self either when he talked about another house member's family members. So with the pieces all in place, it was up to Cee to make sure that his plan was to be carried out properly. When elimination time came around, Kesan found his self with seven out of the eleven possible votes. If it was not for Fonzworth Bentley(the host) intervening and believing that he could make Kesan into a Gentleman, Cee's plan would have worked. Good Job Cee and I hope to see more of your elaborate plans just like that one as the show moves onward.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Oh what happened to you big blue?

I was just recently told that the Sonic the Hedgehog ,my personal childhood hero, is now returning in three more games that are due out over the next few months. *Sigh* What ever happened to Big Blue where his games were actually good and were not some second rate piece of crap as what it has been known for lately. Ever since the new era of 3D gaming Sega(as well as Sonic the Hedgehog) have been nothing short of lackluster. In 2006 when I found out that Sonic was making his mark on the Xbox 360, I remember being overly excited and welcome my hedgehog friend with open arms. Sonic the Hedgehog, given a HDTV make-over with all the hand-eye coordination that I could ever possibly wish for. As I followed its development and watched videos pertaining to it, I was like the black Kool Aide man "Oh Yeah!" Then when I actually played the demo for it I was like "Oh No!" Sega has manage to get itself into another blunder. This game was plagued with long loading times, bad camera angles, and terrible controls. Oh, I just shudder at the thought of it. The game was so bad, I am pretty sure it could make baby Jesus cry. I was just so crushed, then on top of that Sega kept making crap that did not pertain to the true soul of Sonic the Hedgehog, he is now riding vehicles instead of running, driving cars(as shown in Shadow the Hedgehog) and now using guns instead of his special ball spinning-thing. Sonic and the Black Knight, coming out in Spring 2008 promises the same old Sonic game we have came to know and love, however, it promises a new feature of Sword-fighting. Really sword-fighting in a Sonic game, come on Sonic-Team stop reaching for crap to use the Wii-remote for. Why not allow, special moves using the remote, or use the to help guide Sonic around like it was used for Mario Galaxy. Next on the list of games, has serious potential(due to the fact that it is Sonic back to doing some good of fashion running) called Sonic Unleashed. From the videos it appears that Sonic-team has done something right IN THIS DECADE. However they introduce the ability for Sonic to turn into a werewolf (a la Zelda and the Twilight Princess.) Please oh please Sega do not screw this game over. Lastly, Sega as introduced Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, no this is not a type of cool name for a platform game. This Sonic game is a RPG, I love RPGs(Golden Sun, Final Fantasy, and Legend of Dragoon.) Nevertheless, Sonic does not I repeat does not need to be made into a RPG. The only way they might win over consumers if they make the game into what Nintendo did for the Mario Brothers and their four RPG games. As I close because I am kind of nodding of, please go back to what you were originally made for Sonic. Please Oh Pretty Please with a Cherry on Top?

Jesse Jackson, screws blacks over once more.

I was watching the news the other day, and I have came across the so call "black leader" named Jesse Jackson and his comments towards the presidential candidate Senator Barrack Obama. I will not go into details as to what Jackson has said because it was never really brought entirely into light (at this time.) However, I do want to make this point it seems to be that Jackson has an extremely dislike for Obama because Obama appears to have garnished more political support and racial support from both the African-American and Cacuasian(as well as other races) than Jackson could ever dream of recieving in his would-be democratic race during the elections of 1984 and 1988. Where he only recieved twenty-one of the popular vote but only eight percent of delegates and also won five primaries (and caucuses) which include Louisiana, the District of Columbia, South Carolina, Virginia, and one of two separate contests in Mississippi. What I feel that needs to be done is that Jackson needs to sit down, and keep his mouth quiet because he is only digging his self in a deeper and deeper hole. It seems as if he is condemning an individual of the same exact "sin(s)" that he himself possessed almost twenty years prior to now. To alievate some of the pain that was created by his off-handed comment, Jackson came out and said that he did not know that it was a "hot mic" at that time. This in itself was a piss-poor excuse for an individual that has been in the game this long. Save lies like that for new house members, low-level police chiefs, sexual offending teachers, and those who can do not have a long list of public speaking experience like yourself, Mr. Jesse Jackson. Support Obama, because he is now the new face of Africa-Americans and you should no longer be allowed to call yourself a "black leader" if you keep pushing away those who are trying to help the new age of African Americans.